Jennifer Dumpert is a San Francisco-based writer and lecturer, and the founder of the Oneironauticum, an international organization that explores the phenomenological experience of dreams as a means of experimenting with mind. She also teaches the practice of Liminal Dreaming — surfing the edges of consciousness using hypnagogic and hypnopompic dream states. Jennifer has lectured and led workshops at festivals, conferences, and venues such as Summit at Sea, Lightning in a Bottle, Symbiosis, the Women’s Visionary Congress, Esalen Institute, Ojai Institute, Psymposia, and Priceless. She wrote “Meeting in Dream Worlds: Oneironauticum”, a chapter in Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness Liminal Zones, Psychic Science, and the Hidden Dimensions of the Mind, published by Evolver Editions. She offered a six week class through Evolver called “Expand your Mind: How to Work with Liminal Dream States”. She contributes to Van Winkle’s and Common Ground, and has published in Dreamflesh, Dream Time, and Reality Sandwich. She is involved in the Consciousness Hacking movement and has presented at CH SF, CH NYC, and the Transformational Technology conference. She posts a daily dream to Twitter as @OneiroFer.

Exploring Consciousness at the Edge of Sleep
A conciousness hacker and sought-after speaker on dreams and dream technology explains how to use liminal dreaming, the dreams that come between sleep and waking, for self-actualization and consciousness expansion.
At the edges of consciousness, between waking and sleeping, there’s a swirling, free associative state of mind that is the domain of liminal dreams. As we sink into slumber, we pass through hypnagogia, the first of the two liminal dream states. In this transitional zone, memories, perceptions, and imaginings arise in a fast moving, hallucinatory, semi-conscious remix. On the other end of the night, as we wake, we experience hypnopompia, the hazy, pleasant, drift that is the other liminal dream state. Readers of Liminal Dreaming will learn step-by-step how to create a dream practice, integrating the deeply unusual half-waking dream states of hypnagogia and hypnopompia into their lives in personally meaningful ways. Working with liminal dreams can improve sleep, mitigate anxiety and depression, help to heal trauma, and aid creativity and problem-solving. Liminal dreaming practice is also far easier to learn than lucid dreaming practice, making it possible for the reader to begin working with these dreams this very night.